We are thrilled to announce that IPOS Consulting took home the award for ‘Best Use of Technology’ at the recent PLA SA/NT Awards held at St Clair Recreation Centre.
This also qualifies us as award finalists for the National Awards, which will be announced in October at the National Parks and Leisure Australia Conference in Perth.
Throughout 2018/19 we have been working tirelessly on developing the TurfSafe – Risk Management System which is an integrated system designed specifically for Sports Turf and developed in accordance with the Risk Management Standards (AS/NZ/ISO 31000:2018) and the Guidlines for Managing Risk in Sport and Recreation (HB 246:2010).
TurfSafe provides a framework by which the quality and risk of sports grounds can be assessed to ensure they are safe and ?fit for purpose?. Standards, which meet all the peak sporting body preferred facility guidelines, have been developed for 22 risk criteria in the 4 categories of Turf Quality, Surface Quality, Irrigation Equipment and Associated Fixtures.
The TurfSafe Web App facilitates infield data entry, using a phone or tablet, which is submitted directly to the ?cloud? based online system. Clegg hammer readings, photographs, quality and risk rating data is analysed with reports generated which can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Where high risks have been identified, a notification email is automatically sent from the field. All data and reports are stored on the secure IPOS online system.
Watch a video on the TurfSafe Risk Management System here.